1 EBIThree.com 2 Clarify Instructions
Cleo Clarify Instructions
Step-by-Step Clarify Instructions to walk users thru the required steps when.....

We walk users through the steps of running the EXTOL Conversion Manager with a EBI 2.6 Windows instance.
- Review required Clarify objects needed to successfully process an inbound EDI (x12/EDIFACT) document.
- Review required Clarify objects needed to successfully process an inbound EDI (x12/EDIFACT) document.
- Review required Clarify objects needed to successfully process an outbound EDI (x12/EDIFACT) document. In our example, users will learn the steps involved with the Cleo Database Wizard.
- In the Clarify Workbench we need to assign Cleo/EXTOL Objects to projects and packages. Users will learn the best practices to set-up their workbench with projects and packages.
- The EDI Project Wizard allows users to create a working template of a project/packages/objects, update the EBI Enveloping Objects, and then copy/rename them to a new naming convention.
- The EBI Workbench offers users the ability to update Projects/Packages/Objects with a few key strokes. This is possible via Eclipse's Search/Replace functionality.
- The Clarify Studio has several different logging features at the client level and the server level (local server).
- We review the usage of Global Variables to start/stop Clarify Server business processes.
- At times there might be networking issues that do not allow the Clarify Studio to communicate with an SVN Respository. We show how to get around this challenge.
- We show how a REST Webservices Provider can be set-up in Clarify 3, in less than 15 minutes. This basic set-up walks users thru set-up in Clarify's workbench and testing on the local server.
- Sometimes the easiest way to test a webservice provider is via a web browser. With Firefox's Firebug, we show users how to easily test/debug their Cleo/EXTOL Webservice.
- We will show users how to implement the SFTP Put Adapter in a Business Process. We will also show users how to add automatic retry/fail capabilities.
- For every inbound EDI document we receive, we have a corresponding Acknowledgement set-up. This set-up will be incorporated in the Inbound EDI Route.
- Application Routes will group like data together such as a common key. In our example, we show how to group data based on JDEdwards EDOC, Document Type, and Company Number.
- Clarify Studio 3.1.2 introduces Clarify Project Generator walk thru the steps of the Clarify Project Generator.
- Renaming Projects, Packages, and Objects can be difficult at times but we show users how it can be done easily.
- After running the Conversion Migrator, we need to 'clean-up' the Ruleset Data Objects (RDO). We show how it is done.
- Users can update a code table outside of the Clarify Studio. We show users where to locate the data.
- Installing the Cleo Clarify/EXTOL Business Integrator Studio should be easy. We show users step-by-step how it can be done.
- Execute a Business Process from outsite of Clarify from the Windows OS.
- Create ruleset rules to include reference data in dashboard. These 'key' values can be referenced in Dashboard 3.
Admin Console

Test Cleo Inbound 850->Database Project in Studio Admin Console
- Walk-thru of testing the translation of an inbound 850->database project. Learn how to interface with the Cleo Studio Admin Console and review errors in the Auditor.
- Walk-thru of testing the translation of an outbound database->850 within EXTOL Studio Admin Console. We learn how to properly deploy and install an outbound EDI project in the Studio Admin Console.
- Once an Cleo Clarify Project has been successfully tested in the Clarify Studio, learn how Cleo Projects/Packages/Objects are deployed and installed to the Clarify Server.
- Learn how to update existing Clarify/EBI server projects already deployed and installed on the Cleo Clarify Server. This is a multi-step process and users will learn how and where to update tags and then re-deploy their Clarify projects.
- Once Cleo Clarify has been implemented and deployed, we want to set-up Filter Groups and Filters.
- After Clarify/EBI is set-up, we need to look at the next steps to keep our data moving and maintained. We look at purging data to keep out system lean.
SVN Repository

Upload Project/Package/Object to SVN Repository via SVN Team->Share
- During the development of an Cleo/EXTOL Project, EBI users should consider the Team->Share option with their SVN. Cleo Clarify users will learn to create a primary back-up of their project and allow other users to have access to it.
- After updates have been make by an Clarify user or another Clarify user, a Team Synchronization should occur. By doing so, we can ensure the objects we are currently working with are the most up-to-date EXTOL objects from the SVN Repository.
- Tags are used in SVN Repositories to mark a specific time in a project’s history where the Clarify user may want to revert back to. Clarify users will learn how tags should be essential part of any Clarify/EBI project.
- Branches are used in SVN Repositories to mark a time when a major change is going to take place on the trunk. Learn how to take a project from a Trunk and create a new Branch.
- There are times there might have been a change to a project several revisions ago. In cases such as these, we need to restore from the SVN repository history.
- The Branch represents a one time snapshot of the Trunk that will be the vehicle to promote projects to the Test/Production Servers.
Cleo/EXTOL Dashboard 3
Cleo Dashboard Install and Configure Data Source
- Install Cleo/EXTOL Dashboard 3 for Windows, start server and configure data source for Cleo Clarify.
3rd Party Solutions
Create XSD and DTD using XMLSPY for Schema Wizard
- To build an XML interface in Cleo Clarify/EBI we need an XSD or DTD file. If an XSD or DTD is unavailable we can reverse engineer the process with XMLSPY.
- Update exising XSD/DTDs, we can use XMLSpy to add/remote XML elements and attributes.
- We will review how to generate generate a private/public key pair using GPG.