1 EBIThree.com > 2 Clarify Instructions > 3 Instructions to Moving Clarify Projects Between Systems with No SVN

Cleo Clarify Workbench

Move Cleo Clarify Between Systems with No SVN

Logging and data purging can become an after-thought when the Cleo Clarify Server is set-up. In my experience there can be opposite ends of the spectrum schools of thought in data retention. There can be the business need to keep data for a rolling 365 days. There are some companies that only want to keep data for a rolling 7 days. Below we will address both scenarios.

Copying the Projects

The first step the EBI user needs to take is copying the projects from the system's workspace

File > New > Business Process

EXTOL Business Integrator (EBI) 3 Copy Projects from Filesystem workspace

Place Copied Projects into New Workspace

Once the projects are copied, the EBI user will need to paste the projects into the destination machine’s workspace.

Cleo Clarify Place copied Projects into new workspace

Create Projects in New Environment

The next step the EBI user needs to take is creating projects with the same exact name in the EBI 3 Studio Workspace on the target machine.

File > New > EBI Project

Cleo Clarify Create 2 new EBI 3 projects

Once created, the EBI 3 Studio will start building each project from the folder the EBI user pasted in the workspace. The only thing the EBI user may need to do is update the MANIFEST.MF to share the projects with each other again.

Cleo Clarify projects on the system w/o access to SVN

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